Demolition Hammers

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Makita HM0870C SDS Max Demolition Hammer

2 types £436.95

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Makita HM0871C AVT SDS Max Demolition Hammer Breaker

2 types £499.95

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Makita HM1111C AVT SDS Max Demolition Hammer Drill

2 types from £644.95

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Makita HM1317C AVT Demolition Hammer Drill

2 types £1,338.95


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Makita HM1511 AVT Demolition Hammer Breaker

2 types £1,586.95


(1 match)

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Demolition Hammer

Demolition Hammers Information

Demolition Hammers are essentially large and powerful hammer drills which are built purely for hammering (although some models do have rotary modes as well). As a general rule, they are lighter, cheaper and less powerful than breakers, while their comparatively light weight means many models can comfortably be used on walls and other vertical surfaces as well as flooring. Some demolition hammers are compatible with SDS Max chisels, though others use specialist accessory systems.

Demolition Hammer Safety:

Demolition hammers are powerful tools and precautions should be taken before using one. Safety boots, eye protection and ear defenders should be worn in all cases, and be aware that dust from concrete and other building materials can be hazardous to health so respiratory protection is recommended as well. Be careful to avoid wet or damp conditions when working with electrical tools outside.

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