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Weller Tools

Weller Carl Weller founded the Weller Manufacturing Company in 1946, after having invented and patented a transformer based soldering gun, primarily to overcome some of the frustrations he encountered as a radio repair engineer. Offering fast startup time and high heat output in an ergonomic pistol grip form factor, the design proved to be a success and Weller’s product range was later bolstered with another patented technology: the temperature controlled Magnastat soldering iron,which was introuduced in 1959. Acquired by Cooper Hand Tools in 1970, Weller is now part of the Apex Tool Group and supplies a diverse range of soldering equipment and accessories, primarily to the professional market.

About The Products

Bearing a strong resemblance to its 1940s forebears, the Weller soldering gun is still in production; we currently stock the entry level 9200UD and the Expert 8100UD model, both of which are available with or without cases and accessory kits.

Likewise, Weller Magnastat temperature controlled soldering irons remain a strong professional product line, alongside the Pyropen series of portable gas powered irons. Weller also make more economically priced irons for the hobbyist and DIY market, such as the SP15N LED Worklight model which is ideal for light duty electronics assembly.

We also stock a range of consumables and accessories, including Weller Soldering tips and soldering wire.

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