Black and Decker SDS Drills

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Black and Decker BCD900 18v Cordless SDS Plus Hammer Drill

5 types from £85.95

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Black & Decker SDS DrillsBlack & Decker SDS Drills are powerful specialists when it comes to hammer drilling into tough materials like bricks and concrete, and in many cases they can be used for chiselling as well. The increased efficiency of the SDS system means these machines drill through masonry much faster than conventional hammer drills and they will often breeze through materials that other machines find hard to penetrate.

Although SDS drills were once expensive contractor grade tools they have come down in price substantially over the years, and Black & Decker are able to offer them at a price point which will appeal to DIYers, homeowners and other occasional users, along with the reliability and build quality that is a result of over 100 years of manufacturing experience.

Remember that you will typically need to use SDS shank drill bits or chisels with your Black & Decker SDS Drill, although you can still use standard bits (with the hammer mode switched off) by way of an SDS chuck adaptor.

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