Water Pumps

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Draper Solid Wall PVC Suction Hose

3 types from £34.95


Sealey Solid Wall Suction Hose Kit

2 types from £32.95


Draper Hose Filter Strainer for Suction Hose

3 types from £5.95


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Water Pumps Information

Water Pumps are used for quickly transporting large volumes of water, and are regularly used by gardeners transferring water from water butts and tanks, or by construction workers pumping out excess water from trenches and worksites. Additionally, a water pump can be a wise investment to keep on hand in case of emergencies like floods and leaks. When choosing a water pump, you should check what type of water it is rated for. Clean water pumps can only handle relatively clean water, while a dirty water pump can be used in murkier waters like flooded ditches without geting clogged up and breaking down. There are two main types of water pump: Surface Mounted and Submersible. A Surface Water Pump must be kept out of the water, while a Submersible Water Pump can be dropped into it - these pumps will usually have a float switch which automatically turns the pump off once the water drops below a certain level.

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