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Workwear Information

When you're active outdoors, on site or in the workshop, everyday working tasks can take a toll on your clothing as well as your body. Good quality durable workwear will help keep you warm and dry in rough working conditions, while protective gear like chainsaw clothing, work gloves and safety boots provide essential safeguards against many of the hazards encountered in working environments. If you need to carry lots of tools and equipment around with you, tool belts and multi-pocket trousers or shorts can provide a convenient storage solution for everyday essentials, and if you have to kneel throughout the day a pair of knee pads will save your knees from discomfort. If high-vis clothing is a requirement for your work or you'd like to improve your visibility when cycling or walking around traffic, you can also find a wide selection of high-vis clothing here. Please see our safety equipment category for PPE like safety glasses and dust masks.

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